Saturday, 18 March 2017

Visualise Your Way to Success in Martial Arts

Visualisation is forming or playing mental images in your mind... In visualising your way to success in Martial Arts. You will be using this skill to improve any aspect of the art that you want to hone.

Visualisation is a powerful aid in internalising a set of movements in martial Arts.

Visualisation is not new and is used in almost all industries to one degree or another.

Where to start

Think through what you want to visualise. You can isolate a particular skill, singular movement or a series of movements.

Once that is decided, find somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed. You can sit or lie down and breathe deeply, relax and clear your mind.

You’ll also want to quiet yourself by being calm and still... The quiet, relaxation and deep breathing get you into the right state of mind for visualisation.

Record it

The act of visualisation will involve you playing or recording the actual movements you want to master in your mind’s eye.

The effect this has is etching the recording (visualisation) on your subconscious mind. Making it easier to recall when needed.

This is a great way to improve absolutely any area of martial Arts that you feel could do with it.



Firstly, visualisation can be done anywhere at any time, as long as you can get a quiet spot to do so... It can be done instantly, at any time and over any duration of time.

In my experience, when I want to get a technique perfectly executed... I close my eyes and play a version of me doing, for example, a perfect spinning back kick... Including accurately hitting the target, retreat and land with my guard in position.

You’ll need to ‘play’ with this before worrying too much about the results you’ll get because it works slightly differently for each individual. By that, I mean some people will not find it easy to visualise... but they’ll get results instantly.

Others may have to work on it for longer or try different times of the day before you get results.
I recommend you start with small movements... Like a particular punch or kick, then go on to combinations, then on to kata. There are no limits.

In time you’ll be able to visualise better performance and you’ll see your active performance improve. Play with it, try it and use it.

Try these little gems, if you find yourself struggling: 

Soft appropriate music
Lighting, on or off
Quiet location
No distraction
comfortable chair
Comfortable clothes
Limber up before starting
Very light stretching before you start

This is one of the most powerful ways in existence for controlling your future behaviour, thought and actions.

It is worth the persistence to keep trying till you are visualising your way to success in Martial Arts.

Tomorrow we are going to look at a common, but unspoken fear in martial arts.

Your comments are welcome in the box below.

Thank you for taking time out to read this post.

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