Thursday, 30 March 2017

Review of 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Hello Dear Friends.


Today I am putting together a review of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by Sarah and Kevin from Sark emedia.

Firstly, I took on this challenge simply because I wanted to get into the habit of writing daily, rather than specifically blogging or looking for traffic for my business.

Secondly, I have completed this challenge on a platform that doesn’t give the best resources to grow and improve the blog in the style you are taught over the course of the challenge.

Never the less, I have given an account of the 30 Day challenge and how it has impacted me during this time.

What I learned

No matter how busy you are, you can always write. If you have a platform set up to showcase that writing, then all the better.

A supportive and encouraging environment has been the key to completing the challenge for me... 

Hence, I highly recommend Sarah and Kevin for their support, comments and equally their guidance, tips, tools and resources for blogging and a host of other online related activities.
With so much shared freely, you wonder how they make a success of it...

Now you know

Light bulb moments

The use of mind maps and outlining, to get your ideas and information out and written quickly revolutionised my blogging. (Thanks Sarah & Kevin)

Again the editorial calendar was awesome for knowing what was coming, rather than having to scramble around on the day.

With sheer determination, anything is possible... The type of working day I have has meant that most of the posts have been written quite late into the night when I have been tired and could think of 100 other things I would rather be doing. But I pushed on through...

So I know, post 30-day challenge as I piece together all the reasons for my resolve to get to the end. I’ll have ammunition to get through any other challenges on the writing and marketing front I’m faced with in the future.

What I’ll do differently

Set up a word press website where I have much more scope for engaging with the audience and adapting the site to suit that function.

Write daily, but blog less... Twice a week ought to do it and spend the rest of the time marketing, promoting and maximising the potential of those posts.

Give more support and encouragement to those around me on the same journey. Because I had so much from this myself.

And you can find all the tools you need to maximise your blog posts here.

What I found out about myself

I was able to give it my all... I was compelled to. The difference a real supportive environment made to me. This includes not only Sarah and Kevin but also all my fellow 30-day blogging challenge participants who supported through likes, comments and shares.

I thoroughly enjoyed the writing process. This gave me the most pleasure.

I can do this... I was determined to complete, though not always certain I could.

As a direct result of taking the challenge, I am going to set up wordpress websites in two niches and grow and improve them continuously.

This time around

A new chapter

Well, I have got the taste and am now certain I can do this. It has been a ‘real’ challenge. And in the end, has only left me with yet another challenge... This time, a long-term challenge; to build something I love... Long-term, solid, online and done right.

Please leave a comment or ask any questions in the box below.

See you on a website or blog post soon.

Thanks for taking the time

1 comment :

  1. Yay! Congratulations. The outlining is something 2we are taught in schools, but never seem to have any use for. Perhaps our English teachers knew that we'd become bloggers.
